#1 Real Estate Agent to Agent Email Flyers – Real Results for Over 19 Years.  Most Accurate Industry Database. Over 90% Agent Inbox Placement.     SAME DAY TURNAROUND during office hours Mon – Fri 8am – 4:30pm Pacific Time.  Feel free to call us at 888-947-8509 or email service@zipyourflyer.com.

Zip Your Flyer Blog


Best Practices for E-Flyer Images

Who Owns your E-Flyer Images? With the advent of the internet, it has become ever-easier to get information to help your customers sell their listings.  Whether using the MLS, hosting virtual tours, or even sending an e-flyer with ZipYourFlyer.com, the internet makes it easier than ever to do the work of selling homes.  But with… >

Posted on August 3rd, 2016 by Mark Hayden | Categories:

e-flyer island

Planning for Future E-Flyer Orders

Ensure Your Future E-Flyer Orders Are Ready On Time! Hello, ZYF E-Mail Deliverability Specialist Aaron L’Heureux (“La-Roo”) here once again to give you some helpful e-marketing advice.  Today I want to show you the best ways to ensure your time sensitive listings can be delivered punctually. The Single Best Way To Ensure Timely Delivery Is To Order… >

Posted on July 19th, 2016 by Mark Hayden | Categories:

Composing Effective Real Estate Flyers (part 2)

In our last entry about composing effective real estate e-flyers… I strongly suggested that agents avoid using abbreviations when composing the body text of your e-flyer.  I’ll use this article to cover a few additional tips to help make your e-flyer the best it can be! Pursuant to our last entry, we’ve already emphasized the “quality over… >

Posted on July 11th, 2016 by Mark Hayden | Categories:

Options for E-Flyer Fonts

Your Flyers, Your Fonts

A SET OF BIG, BOLD CAPITAL LETTERS WILL GRAB THE ATTENTION OF YOUR AUDIENCE. Many of our most popular e-flyers feature “script” or “cursive” typefaces meant to represent ornate handwriting.  While appealing to the eye, script typefaces are often meant to be used in the lowercase, while the uppercase lettering is larger and more ornate… >

Posted on June 27th, 2016 by Mark Hayden | Categories:

Composing Effective Real Estate Flyers (part 1)

“What can I do to Create Effective Real Estate Flyers?” Of all the materials our clients submit to us in the e-flyer creation process, one of the most critical is also one of the most banal: the body text or summary.  This is a part of e-flyer creation that is easy to overlook and can… >

Posted on June 27th, 2016 by Mark Hayden | Categories:

virtual tour small url image

Small Virtual Tour URLS Make a Big Difference!

Our E-Flyers Make Long Virtual Tour Links a Cinch! When our customers request the inclusion of Virtual Tour links in their orders, we are generally happy to comply.  Though Virtual Tour links can often appear large and ungainly, we can generally hide this fact thanks to the HTML that our flyers use.  Instead of having… >

Posted on March 31st, 2016 by Mark Hayden | Categories:

Sell Listings Faster

Sell Listings Faster!

ZipYourFlyer.com has been helping agents to sell listings faster for over 11 years! For years our professional designers, superb customer service and excellent flyer and email flyer products have helped thousands of agents successfully market their real estate listings across the United States.  Beyond our self-evident success as a company, we have received various accolades… >

Posted on February 29th, 2016 by Mark Hayden | Categories:

E-Flyer Logo Transparency

Transparent Logos for E-Flyers

E-Flyers Benefit Greatly from Transparent Agent Logos! Here are some E-Flyer Tips to make sure your E-Flyer looks as great as it possibly can. Transparent Agent Logos are a great way to give your ZYF designer flexibility when incorporating your listing into one of our E-Flyer designs.  Most of the agents who use our service… >

Posted on January 22nd, 2016 by Mark Hayden | Categories:


Introducing our New High Flyer Broker Program!

The High Flyer Broker Program for Large Real Estate Brokerages Participation is FREE! We are excited to introduce our new High Flyer Broker Program.  We created this program to offer highly customized Email Flyer and Print Flyer solutions to larger brokerages of 50 agents or more.  As a Broker participating in the High Flyer Broker… >

Posted on December 17th, 2015 by Mark Hayden | Categories: ,

E-Flyer Legibility Cover

ZipTip – Can You Read This E-Flyer?

E-Flyer Legibility is Critical: You already have very limited space with which to convey your written thoughts on the property you are selling, and it’s a shame when this important information is lost to difficult-to-read formatting.  While our in-house design team is well-versed at ensuring the legibility of the flyers we work on, some of… >

Posted on December 7th, 2015 by Mark Hayden | Categories:

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