Nothing Left To Add: The Virtue of Simple E Flyer Design
Posted on June 23rd, 2015 by Mark Hayden | Categories: Marketing & ZipTips
Keeping your e flyer design simple can make it easier to read and more accessible. This is especially true of the body text!
“A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.” Antoine de Saint-Exupery
While a potential client will often first notice of the header or main picture on an e flyer design, the soon shifts to the body paragraph. Here things can get dicey: by providing too little information in the body, an opportunity to inform an interested party about a special feature of the property might be missed. On the other hand, too much information can be just as detrimental to your e flyer design.
A ZYF e flyer design can feature a body text of 1000 characters (like letters, numbers, spaces) at the very most (any more, and the text will be abruptly cut off), though when using the maximum number of characters our designers are sometimes forced make changes to the font size. Typically the font becomes smaller as the words become more numerous. This can give the appearance of a difficult, dense text that a casual viewer might be less interested in delving into.
Layout with about 1000 characters.
On the other hand, some of our customers provide too little in the way of their body text: by giving too few characters (say 300 or fewer) the body text is often left with large, awkward gaps that the designers will attempt to fill up by increasing the font size and spacing.
Layout with about 300 characters.
600-700 characters is ideal for most of our layouts. The vast majority of orders we receive are around this number, fitting neatly into our designs. Our designers are quite experienced with maximizing the use of space available to them to make sure that our customer’s orders fit just right. If the body text in the proof doesn’t look quite right, we have the ability to add or subtract words as needed: the easiest way to do this is to simply paste the whole revised body text into the revision notes you send us.
Layout with about 650 characters.
To see some real-world examples of ZYF’s Real Estate Flyers, check us on facebook or twitter!