#1 Real Estate Agent to Agent Email Flyers – Real Results for Over 19 Years.  Most Accurate Industry Database. Over 90% Agent Inbox Placement.     SAME DAY TURNAROUND during office hours Mon – Fri 8am – 4:30pm Pacific Time.  Feel free to call us at 888-947-8509 or email service@zipyourflyer.com.

Category: Marketing & ZipTips

Composing Effective Text for Real Estate Flyers

Posted on April 3rd, 2014 by Kris Thornburg | Categories: ,

You agents are really better at this than you give yourselves credit for. BUT – some of you could use a little help. Many of you call us to voice your insecurities over what you have written in the property descriptions on your Email Flyer. Maybe it’s because you do them so often, you feel like you are repeating yourself. After all – usually most listings have 3 or 4 bedrooms, a nice master, if you’re lucky a gourmet or updated kitchen… What more could you want. I know, I know, you want to make your listing sound special, worth a look.

So you sit at your computer trying to cram all of that wonderfulness into 500 characters to fit into the MLS. Darn! That didn’t fit – so you start eliminating extra spaces and abbreviating all over the place. 4bd/2ba/LR/DR/FP/Mstr/3gar/btva/OMG!!! These abbreviations are ok I guess when you are composing something that other agents will see. After all, if they stare at it long enough, they will probably be able to figure out what the heck you are talking about. BUT – doesn’t the MLS Listing Description find its way to REALTOR.com? Don’t real live human beings, not realtors, read about your listing there? Or at least try to decipher the listing there?

That pesky character limit the MLS puts on your description stifles your creativity. How can you make your listing stand out in 500 characters or less!!

The abbreviated description you write for the MLS, what you put on an E-Flyer to market to other real estate agents and what you want on a Printed Flyer in the flyer box or write for syndication for potential buyers to see are all different from each other, don’t you think?

Wait a minute, you’re thinking. She’s not telling me I need to write different descriptions for my listing is she? Well… yes and no.

More to come.


ZipTip – My flyer looks fine – Well good enough anyway

Posted on November 13th, 2013 by Kris Thornburg | Categories:

What’s the big deal? Why should I care so much what my real estate listing flyer looks like? Only agents are going to see it anyway, right??? WRONG!! If you are going to stick your name on a flyer, you need to care about it. Whether you want to use a Zip Your Flyer design scheme, have your assistant make it, or create one yourself, it should look good. When you send out an email flyer or have flyers printed up for the flyer box, it is an extension of your business. If your flyers look sloppy, then you look sloppy. Elements should be aligned properly. Your photos need to look good (that is a topic for another day all by itself). Text should fit the purpose. If the flyer is for other real estate agents — then less is more. Agents are busy. Give them the important information like bedrooms, bathrooms, location, parking, quality, comps … If it’s for the flyer box, or for buyers to see, then get more descriptive. You want them to picture themselves in your listing.

One day, you may find yourself negotiating for your client across the table from an agent who recognizes you from an email flyer. It is far better for your client, if you have left a professional impression all around, don’t you think?

The Email Flyer Subject Line is Important

Posted on October 10th, 2013 by Kris Thornburg | Categories:

HELP! What makes a good EMAIL SUBJECT LINE for an email flyer. (This is what recipients see in their email as the subject of the email before they open your flyer.)

Which is better:

Broker’s Open Tuesday October 15th from 1-4 pm.
Broker’s Open at Rare Lakefront Resale

The second one is much better. The date and time of the Broker’s Open will be on the flyer. No need to repeat it in the EMAIL SUBJECT LINE. The trick is to get the recipient to open it up and take a look. I always encourage agents to think about what makes their listing special. Maybe a newer built rambler is special in your area, or a water view. You know your market. Take what is special and leave the rest. You want to encourage agents to open up your email flyer. Because once they open it, the listing may just work for one of their clients. If you feel something may not be desirable or in demand with your listing, don’t mention it in the SUBJECT LINE. For instance, if your listing is too far south of downtown, but everyone loves the builder. Have the SUBJECT LINE say: Terrific Chelsea Homebuilders Resale. Agents will open it because everybody loves Chelsea Homebuilders. A nice flyer with good pictures may help overcome the location. If you put the location in the SUBJECT LINE up front, many agents might just not open it.

I am always happy to help if you need some advice on this.

ZipTip – ALL CAPS??

Posted on August 7th, 2013 by Kris Thornburg | Categories:

Once the workday starts around here, the ZYF Staff starts chatting.  “Wow, we have a lot of Open House flyers today!”  or “Did you see that we are doing a flyer for George Jones’ house in Tennessee”  then someone else says “Who the heck is George Jones?  Are we out of coffee  creamer?”   Then another says “Man, houses in Texas…Man!”   What he means is that the Texas home on the flyer he is creating costs less than half what it would cost here in our home city of Seattle.   It has always amazed me how much our designers know about the national real estate market.  They recognize value, “a good deal”, they call it.  “That looks like a really good price for that home in Maryland.  Too bad their text is in ALL CAPS.  It’s pretty hard to read.”

I USED TO HAVE THE DESIGNERS CHANGE ALL CAPS TO regular case text, but I learned (more…)

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